AllergyNet Australia

Breastfeeding And Introduction Of Solid Foods: Does One Size Fit All?

Medicine is all about statistics. There are no absolutes unless the statistics are absolute, which rarely, if ever, happens.

Let’s look at two scenarios.

Scenario #1: In Melbourne, Australia, the prevalence of severe food allergy in children is 10%. If both parents are allergic, there is an 80% chance that any child will develop some type of allergy (food and/or inhalant). Parents of a food-anaphylactic child want to know the best way to reduce that risk in the next child. Australia, generally, has excellent standards of hygiene and health care.

Kneeling breastfeeding mother. Paula Modersohn-Becker 1876-1907

Scenario #2: In any number of developing countries, and in certain indigenous populations of Australia, hygiene and health care are poor. Rates of infection, especially respiratory and gastrointestinal infections, are high in babies and children. Food allergy is not a high priority, and, indeed, possibly because of poor hygiene, the prevalence of food allergy is low.

Once we plug in these variables – hygiene, health care access, family history, infection rates – then it follows that one size does not fit all.

Anna Prashan - Hindu ceremony of first solid feeding. Wiki Commons

What are the current recommendations of various allergy associations in high allergy, good healthcare countries?

Is the risk of diarrhoea and/or respiratory infection increased by formula rather than breast milk? Yes. Is the risk of such infection increased by solid foods? Probably not. Does the Australian baby have better access to prompt treatment of infections than babies in developing countries? Yes

I would encourage you to read the following references. They don’t all agree on when to introduce solids. You can look at the priorities of your own family situation and make up your own mind:

There are mixed messages on when to introduce solids. It will take time for a consensus by all organisations. As indicated above, I feel that a uniform approach may not be possible, but ultimately a risk-benefit assessment will develop. You can read media reports that highlight the confusion here and here. All groups strive for one outcome – a healthy babe 

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