Yet Could We Turn The Years Again

Why did you and I shed a tear when Madiba died a few days ago? Was it because he was a hero of our generation? Was it because he was “the most complete man”, as many have said? Was it because he could forgive, and unite, where others would revenge, and tear apart? Perhaps. But […]

Ageing, Ageism, And Being Comfortable In Your Own Old Skin

The physical, psychological and social changes over time are the properties of ageing. It’s inevitable, and both young and old need to deal with it. So far, we are unable to prevent it. Even if you follow Woody Allen’s advice that ” you can live to be a hundred if you give up all things […]

It Seemed About A Hundred Years Ago

Barlo loved that smell. Feeckoh Plus Bowel Treatment, with “attenuated donor E.coli”. He sprinkled a bit more of the green powder on his insect muesli. “Oh My, Yipes” he said aloud, poured on the distilled water, and caught some of the Neuro-News as it came in. It was HIS moment. Just nineteen, he had finally […]

The National Library of Australia Selects AllergyNet Australia for Archival Storage

I am delighted and proud that the National Library of Australia has selected AllergyNet Australia for archival storage and retrieval. This means that the library will retain the website in the Archive and will provide public access to it in perpetuity. The Library will catalogue the website and add the records to the National Bibliographic […]


Yep, that’s the question de jour, folks. To MOOC or not to MOOC. The Massive Open Online Course is a relatively brief teaching module on a specific subject. With videos, assorted materials, quizzes, homework and final exam. So, big deal? Yes it is. Because the best universities in the world can offer these courses, currently […]

Clinical Excellence…Wait, There’s More!

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in the UK aims to “improve outcomes for people using the NHS and other public health and social care services”. NICE uses evidence-based data in their guidelines. They also study “performance metrics” to publish standards and desirable outcomes. These methods are highly desirable in macromanagement of […]

Teaching An Old Blog New Tricks

FIRSTLY,  is AllergyNet Australia the oldest medical blog in the world? Possibly. Until proved otherwise. My case rests on the Wayback Machine. The earliest recorded “crawl” for AllergyNet Australia is December 1998. My records go back to January 1998. So I looked again at Wayback Machine and I was astounded that it took an actual […]