Why did you and I shed a tear when Madiba died a few days ago? Was it because he was a hero of our generation? Was it because he was “the most complete man”, as many have said? Was it because he could forgive, and unite, where others would revenge, and tear apart? Perhaps. But […]
If You Are Everywhere, You Are Nowhere
It was a surprise. A political story by The Australian’s Tom Dusevic @davrosz , drilling away at Labor’s thinning crust of respectability, sparing no punches, and starting with a quote. And, refreshingly, not by some old hoary ex-Prime Minister, but by Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, a polymath who lived smack bang in the middle of […]
All Must Have Prizes
You would never think the Dodo is extinct. It lives repeatedly on Social Media. We are reminded about its sad obliteration from the face of the earth and our attempts to resurrect the species via DNA . The flow of information about something that is dead as a..well..dodo is incessant. Why? I reckon it’s […]
No Definitely Good News At All
Eric Blair is a gentle name, and it’s hard to believe that an Eric Blair was, inter alia, a policeman, a tramp, a wounded soldier, and a (sort-of) revolutionary. This bio might fit a name such as Che Guevara or George Patton, but an Eric Blair? However, Eric had another life, and using the nom-de-plume […]